Sunday, March 6, 2011

Not exactly an expert...

     My name is Phil, and I am addicted to sports.  Most of my free time and money are spent on sports, and after years of ignoring social norms in order to watch more sports, I feel like I have a lot to share.  I have my favorite teams in most sports, and following each one of them takes up a solid amount of each year.  My wife every year looks forward to the day after the Major League Baseball All-Star game, the one day of the year when there is guaranteed to be no sports.  We call it Shannon Day.

     I have a feeling that my story is not too different than most crazy sports fans, but I think my interactions and experiences through sports have given me a unique perspective that some people might be interested in reading about.  I will never pretend to be an expert about sports, after all, no one likes talking to an expert about sports.  They think they know it all, you think you know it all, and it can be a real annoying experience when two know-it-alls won't shut up about how great their team is.

     Also, I have a job.  I am currently a 6th grade math teacher, which means I don't get to spend my whole day analyzing sports.  The only sports I will watch are the ones that keep my interest.  In other words, I will only watch a sporting event because I want to, never because I have to.  So, if you are looking for in-depth analysis of Pac-10 basketball, this probably isn't the site for you.

     I will be posting here often, whenever I think of something cool, something funny, or something annoying that I want to talk about.  I hope you check back often and share your thoughts and opinions as well!

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